Concept Note/ Objectives
Translation as a cultural practice is fraught with political overtones. The translation of a literary text often leads to its greater visibilisation and dissemination of its ideas and grounded politics. Translation may also lead to
greater understanding between cultures and societies. This workshop seeks to discuss the poetics and politics of translation. This would be discussed theoretically and through a translation of a particular text the practical knowhows of translation would be discussed. To meet these objectives, the workshop would include lectures by scholars on different topics relating to the poetics and practice of translation. There would also be a Panel Discussion on Translation and Postcolonial Politics.
- Dr. Anuradha Kunda , Associate Professor, Malda College & Painter, Translator and Creative Writer
Translation in Practice: Workshop with Dr. Anuradha Kunda - Saswati Saha, Assistant Professor , Department of English, Sikkim University
Theories of Translation: Poetics and Politics of Translation in India - Abhishek Jha, Prose-writer and Literary Worker
Politics of Translation: Translating Mia Poetry and Stories from Kashmir
Panel Discussion: Translation and Postcolonial Politics
Dr. Susmita Shome, Associate Professor, Department of Bengali, Gour Mahavidyalaya
Dr. Anuradha Kunda , Associate Professor, Malda College & Painter, Translator and Creative Writer
Saswati Saha, Assistant Professor , Department of English Sikkim University
Abhishek Jha , Prose-writer and Literary Worker
Outcome of the Workshop
The objective of workshop is successfully met and the participants benefitted from lively
discussions on issues relating to translation. The outcome of the workshop can be summarized
- The invited speakers delivered lectures on the changing theoretical perspectives on translation. The students were enlightened by the debate on translation and/ transcreation.
- There was a session titled Translation in Practice in which Dr. Anuradha Kunda , herself a creative writer and translator asked the participants to translate a section of a particular text. The students came up with their own translation and there was a lively and engaged discussion on the issues one needs to be aware of when translations a particular text. The session was particularly helpful for the students and learnt the nitty-gritty of translation.
- There was a panel discussion on translation and postcolonial politics which led to engaged discussion between the panelists and the participants. The faculty members, too, participated in the discussion.
- The urgency of translating text from other cultural locations into local languages as well as translating local language-text to English or other Indian languages such as Hindi was felt for a better understanding between different cultures. The students were encouraged to take up translation as a course in their future academic endeavor.
Convener of the Workshop
Mursed Alam, Assistant Professor & Head, Department of English, Gour Mahavidyalaya Organising Secretary
Amrita Sarkar, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Gour Mahavidyalaya.