English Department
B.A. Courses
Department of English
Year of Establishment: 1996
About The department
Department Notice
Student’s Seminar Schedule, 2025
Final & Updated Roundtable Brochure
Notice on cinebus talk
Notice cdf talk by animesh bag
Class test schedule
As per the departmental meeting held on 05-01-2021 the following dates for Class Tests for Semester-II (Hons &,Elective) are scheduled : Semester II- DC-III & IV on 8-01-2021 (11 A.M. to 1 P. M) Semester II – Elective Paper , on 07-01-2021 (11 A.M.)
Semester-ii tutorial project paper-iv
Semester-ii tutorial project paper-iii
Notice regarding internal assessment of semester- ii ( paper- iii, iv and general course)
The Internal Exam would be held online. The date of the exam would be announced shortly…
B.A/b.Sc I semester result hons & general
Panel discussion on politics now
Student film festival 2020
Result of b.A. Part-I and part- iii honours and part-ii general test examination declared
Result of B.A. Part-I and Part- III Honours and Part-II General of Test Exam 2019 is declared. Please visit the Result section. We are sorry to say that the result of B. A. Part II Honours and Part I and Part III General could not be declared today because of unavoidable circumstances. Thus, result of Part-II Honours and Part I & III General would be declared on 11-04-209.
Student film festival 2019
Special Lecture by Prof Himadri Lahiri
Workshop on british poetry
Our Vision
- To equip them with necessary knowledge of English Studies – with a focus on the various genres of poetry, fiction, drama etc - so that they can develop a love for reading and appreciating literature on their own.
- To develop their soft skills- proper communication in English which is fundamental in today’s job market.
- To nurture their creativity crucial for literary studies through their participation in performance activities, essay competition, magazine publication etc.
- To develop their research skills so that they can engage in research on their own.
- To develop their critical thinking so that they can become conscious and responsible citizen of the country.
- To make them socially aware and inculcate in them values of cooperation, sacrifice and fellow feeling with their fellow beings.
Our Mission
- Interactive class through ppt and audio visual medium
- ICT enabled classes through Google Meet as part of hybrid-mode of teaching.
- The Department of English has a movie club called Cinebus and we screen various movies based on literary texts as well as movies by renowned directors from across the globe for developing critical appreciation of literary and cultural issues of the students.
- We publish one wall magazine called Praxis and one digital magazine called Extra Notes every year for nurturing their creativity.
- The Drama Club of the Department encourages the students to develop their acting ability.
- We organize student seminar, student workshops, debates on contemporary issues, annual quiz competition, essay writing competition, occasional exhibition cum painting / photography competition etc to nurture their creative faculty and develop their communicative skills.
- We organize special lectures annually by renowned academicians from across the country to make the students aware of the latest developments in the literary and intellectual fields. We have Critical Thinking Forum where we invite scholars to share their research so that our students can be aware of latest research fields and gain knowledge about research through interaction with the invited scholars.
- There is a Seminar Library in the department and we offer internet and printing facility to the students at a minimum cost.
- We invite our successful alumni to take classes that help them to remain connected to the department. As part of our inclusive approach we have Slow Learners/ Advanced Learners a well as mentoring facilities. Students can approach us through email or whatsApp.
- The annual educational tour is another attraction for the students. We made it a mission to make the students aware of the North-East India, a region which is least known to mainland India. Therefore, we take our students to North-East India which also helps them understand the indigenous literature from North-East.
- We are developing an effective grievance redressal mechanism and we plan to be in touch with the parents throughout the year by creating a WhatsApp group of parents and teachers.
Our Values that Distinguish Us
- We are committed to provide our students with necessary writing and critical thinking skills useful not only in the academy but also in the world at large.
- The resources and academic activities the Department of English offers make it different from other English Studies departments in the region.
- We have well-published faculty members with international academic exposure that they bring into their teaching.
Department Rules
- As per the University norm 75% attendance in class is mandatory for appearing in the final examination.
- Students must return their borrowed items to the Departmental Library before collecting their admit cards for final exam from the office.
- Students have to participate in the various events such as student seminar, workshop, debates, movie screening, wall magazine publication etc. organised by the Department.
- Appearing in Class-Test, Pre-Test, Test Examination is mandatory.
- Students must inform the HoD in written in case of continuous absence in the class for more than seven consecutive days.
- Students must help to maintain a healthy academic atmosphere in the department and must not involve in ragging or harassing anybody.
- Students are requested not to litter and to keep the waste in the dustbins available in the campus.
- Students are requested to stitch off the lights and fans when leaving the department.
Academic Calendar of the Department
- Well-furnished Language Lab for English Language Teaching
- Two academic centres namely Abid Ali Khan Centre for Digital Archive and Translation of Cultures and Ambedkar Centre for Social and Cultural Studies for preservation of local cultures , oral history and spreading of awareness on social justice.
- All the faculty members hold PhD degrees.
- Well-published faculty with international academic stints .
- Special attention to nurturing the creativity of the students through associations and clubs like Film Club, Theatre Corner, E-Magazine, Debate Club, Reading Club etc.
- Course Manual and Study Material for Students.
- Nurturing the research potential of the students.
- Annual Educational Tour.
Curriculum Plan
Add-On Course
Additional Detials

Md Mursed Alam, Ph.D.
Head Of the Department
Welcome to the Department of English
The Department of English started its journey with the college in 1985 and today it has morphed into one of the most sought after centres for students wanting to study English literature in the district. At present the Department has two Assistant Professors, two Govt. approved Part-Time Teachers and one Guest Lecturer. It has one Smart Class Room with audio-visual facilities and we are developing one Language Lab for English Language Teaching. We are aware that most of our students come from the rural areas and we are committed to help them nurture their critical appreciation of literary and cultural issues and guide their intellectual journey.
Some of the best practices of the Department are as follows:
Best practices:
- Interactive class through ppt and audio visual medium
- The Department of English has a movie club called Cinebus and we screen various movies based on literary texts as well as movies by renowned directors from across the globe for developing critical appreciation of literary and cultural issues of the students.
- The Drama Club of the Department encourages the students to develop their acting ability.
- We organise student seminar, debates on contemporary issues, annual exhibition etc.
- We organise special lectures annually by renowned academicians from across the country to make the students aware of the latest developments in the literary and intellectual fields.
- There is a Seminar Library in the department and we offer internet and printing facility to the students at a minimum cost.
- We invite our successful alumni to take classes that help them to remain connected to the department.
Programs Offered & Intake Capacity : 140
- CBCS English Honours Syllabus
- CBCS English General Syllabus
- Download Honours Syllabus (Old)
- Download Elective-English Syllabus (Old)
- Download Alternative-English Syllabus (Old)
- Download Compulsory-English Syllabus (Old)
- Syllabus Division General
- Syllabus Division Hons
- English, UGB UG Syllabus NEP Sem I-IV 2023-24
Student Progression
Slow & Advanced Learner
Department Seminar/Events
A Tribute to Shyam Bengal
Student Seminar 2025.
Bengal Film Screening
Department Faculties
M.A., Ph.D. || State Aided College Teacher(Category-I)
M.A., Ph.D. || Assistant Professor
M.A., Ph.D. || Assistant Professor
M.A., Ph.D. || Sate- Aided College Teacher (category-I)
M.A., Ph.D. (CSSSC, JU) || Assistant Professor