Gour Mahavidyalaya

Dr. Sk Mainuddin

Substantive Position:State Aided College Teacher (SACT)-1Department of Arabic Gour Mahavidyalaya, Malda, W.B.
Current Position:Head, Department of ArabicGour Mahavidyalaya, Malda,W.B
Present Addressed:MAS, Bhavan, Para Samundi (Near Gour College), Mangalbari, Malda , 732142
Father’s Name:Sk Ismile
Mother’s Name:Hanufa Bibi
Date of Birth:02.06.1990

Designation: M.A (Double ) B.Ed, JRF & NET, MANF & NET, SET (N.E.R), SET (W.B), Ph.D
Educational Qualification:(Academic)Ph.D., Department of Arabic, Assam University, Silchar, Assam
M.A History, Netaji Subhas Open University, Kolkata, W.B
M.A Arabic, University of Gour Banga, Malda, W.B
B.A Arabic, University of Gour Banga, Malda, W.B
Higher Secondary (10+2) W.B.C.H.S.E, W.B
Secondary (10) W.B.B.S. E, W.B
(Professional)B.Ed. University of Gour Banga, Malda,W.B
Certificate course in Arabic Language, N.C.P.U.L, Delhi
Research Work (Ph.D):Role of Indian Arabic Writers in the Freedom Movement of India
Academic Position:Head, Dept. of Arabic, Gour Mahavidyalaya, Mangalbari, Malda (From 29/09/2018 till date)Head, Dept. of Arabic, Kandi Raj College, Kandi, Murshidabad, West Bengal (15.11.20214 to31.09.2018)
Teaching Experience:10 Years Teaching Experience in UG level Degree College (From 29.09.2014 to Till date )
Membership in the Society:Member, Linguistics Society of India, Pune, Membership Id. AM-05/24
Awards and Achievement:JRF & NET (National Eligibility Test, UGC), JUNE, 2022
SET (State Eligibility Test, WBCSC) 2022
NET & MANF (National Eligibility Test, UGC) 2021
SLELT (N.E Region) 2019, 1st position in Arabic (16th
Eligibility test), SLET N.E Region(A common state eligibility test for assistant professor for eight North EastState)
NET (National Eligibility Test, UGC), 2018
NET (National Eligibility Test, UGC), 2017
Field of Specialisation:Indian Arabic Literature
History of Modern ArabWorld
History of Islam in India
History of FreedomMovement of India
Social-Religion andPolitical Condition of India
Multilingual LiteraryStudies
Operating System: Windows 10, /8/7/XP
Proficiency: Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point and others Open and Special Software andTools
Computer Literacy Program (2005): from IBM Global Service Govt. of West Bengal
Diploma in Information Technology Application (2008): from Directorate of Youth Service,Govt. of West Bengal
FDP, FIP, RC & Short Term Training Course:
Seven Days NGO Formation, Project and Donner founding Training Course, 2008 from
Country Mission’, (Government recognition NGO Training Institution
Six Days Intensive Course on “Methodologies of Research and Academic Writing”, 4-9 Aug,
2020, Department of Arabic, Aliah University, Kolkata
Five days Online FDP Programme on “Digitalization of Education Content through Open
Source Tools”, 6- 10 Aug, 2020 from Department of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University,Aligarh
One Week Online National level “Faculty Development Program on Development of EContents and ICT Tools for Innovative and Effective Teaching and Learning Process”, 8-14
Aug, 2020 from Roorkee College of Management and Computer Application, Roorkee,Uttarakhand
MMTTC Training Programme on “NEP 2020 Orientation & Sensitization Programme”, 4-14 March, 2024 from MMTTC,Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
Book / Chapter in Book:
Mainuddin, Sk. “Mahamari Dharmandhata o Islamer Dristibhangi” published in the book
titled “Coronar Kathokata: Nabya Sabhavikatar Jiban Rekha” edited by Dr Ashim Kumar Sarkar and Dr.Susmita Shom. ISBN: 978-93-90717-67-5, published by Joyjit Mukherjee, Sopan, Kolkata (2020).
Mainuddin, Sk. “Influence of Islamic Culture on Indian Society” published in the book titled
“New Horizons: In Language & Literature” edited by Prof. Dr. Shaikh Aftab Anwar, ISBN: 978-
93-93810-75-5, published by Empyreal Publishing House, 2023.
Publication in Journal:
Mainuddin, Sk. “Role of Alauddin Hyder in the Freedom Movement in India” DogoRangsang Research Journal Peer Reviewed Bilingual and Referred Journal, UGC CareApproved Group I, ISSN 2347-7180, Vol.12,Issue,02, No. 03,February: 2022, Impact Factor :
5.127Mainuddin, Sk. “Hijrat Movement: Impact on the Indian Muslim Community” MadhyaBharti- Humanities and Social Sciences, Peer Reviewed Bilingual and Referred Journal, UGCCare Approved Group I, ISSN 0974-0066, Vol.82, No. 01,January – June: 2022, Impact Factor :
6.28Mainuddin, Sk. “Umar Qazi: The First Freedom Fighter to Practice Non-Cooperation as aWeapon Against British” Madhya Bharti- Humanities and Social Sciences, Peer Reviewed,Bilingual, Biannual and Multi-disciplinary Referred Journal, UGC Care Approved Group I,ISSN 0974-0066, Vol.84, No. 31,January – June: 2023, Impact Factor : 6.28Mainuddin, Sk. “Bhai Girish Chandra Sen: A Seminal Non- Muslim Arabic Scholar of
Bengal” Madhya Bharti- Humanities and Social Sciences, Peer Reviewed, Bilingual, Biannualand Multi-disciplinary Referred Journal, UGC Care Approved Group I, ISSN 0974-0066,Vol.85, No. 02, July -December: 2024, Impact Factor : 6.28

Paper Presentation in Seminar and Conference:

Presented a paper entitled “Collection of Rumours in Arabic Literature: A ResearchAnalysis” in One Day National Seminar on Research Methodology on 12th of April 2021,Organised by Gour Mahavidyalaya Alumni Association and IQAC, MaldaWomen’s College,Malda, West Bengal.Presented a paper entitled “Influence of Islamic Culture on Indian Society” in NationalConference on Emerging Trends in Humanities, Language- Literature & Social Science:Scope and Dynamism on20.03.2023 Organised by Faculty of Arts & IQAC, Poona College,Pune, Maharashtra.Presented a paper entitled “Arabic Learning among the Non-Muslim Intelligentsia ofBengal: Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Bhai Girish Chandra Sen” in International Conferenceon Arabic Language & Literature: Teaching- Learning& Translation on May 7th & 8th2023 Organised by Department of Arabic , Assam University, Silchar.
Presented a paper entitled “Bhai Girish Chandra Sen: A Seminal Non-Muslim ArabicScholar of Bengal” in International Seminar on “Study of Arabic Literature in Bengal,Past and Present” on 16th January, 2024 Organised by Department of Arabic, MaldaCollege in collaboration with Department of Arabic, University of Gour Banga.

Workshop, Conference and Seminar Participation:

Workshop:One Week International Online Workshop on “Teaching Arabic as a Second Language atUndergraduate Level” 01-07 Sept, 2020 from Department of Arabic, Assam University,Silchar
Conference:Two Days International Conference on “Women Novels in Gulf Region” 16-17 January2021, from Department of Arabic Lalgola College, Murshidabad, West Bengal
Seminar:One Day International level Webinar on “Swadhinatar Khonje; Dui Banglar Meyera” 14thAug, 2020 from Department of Bengali, Kishar Bharti Bhagni Nivedeta College, Behala,Kolkata
Three Days International Virtual Seminar On “Aspects of Contemporary Arabic Linguistics”18th -20th Aug, from Department of Arabic, Calcutta University, Kolkata
Two Days International Web- Seminar on “Comparative literature Between Theory andapplication” 22th -23th Aug, 2020 from Centre of Arabic and African studies, JawaharlalNehru University, New Delhi.
Three Days International Webinar on “Teaching of Arabic Literary Texts: Methods andApproaches” 8-10 Sept, 2020 from Department of Arabic, Gauhati University, Assam
One Day International Web-Seminar on “Cancer: Molecular Biology &Artificial Intelligence”,19th Sept 2020, from Department of Zoology, Gour Mahavidyalaya, Malda, West Bengal
Three Day International Web-Seminar on “Contemporary Critical Approaches from theAcculturation Perspective” 18th -20th Sept 2020, Department of Arabic, Aliah University,Kolkata
One Day International Web-Seminar On “Researching in Geography and Allied DisciplinePre and Post COVID-19 Pandemic Situation” 3rd October2020, from Department ofGeography, Gour Mahavidyalaya, Malda, West Bengal
One Day International Web- Seminar on “Arabic for the Native Bengali: Issue & Solutions”,12th October 2020, from Department of Arabic, Mahitosh Nandy Mahavidyalaya, Hoogly,West Bengal
Two Days International Arabic Webinar on “Methods of Teaching Arabic Language to NonNative Speakers: Problems and Solutions” 8-9 November 2020, from Department of Arabic,University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Two Days International Webinar on “Lingua-cultural pluralism Arabic and World Language”& Arabic of Department from ,December 24 and 21 ,)ا و اد ا و ا ا)Persian, University of Calcutta, W.B.
Two Days State Level Seminar on “CAS, WBHS & others Service Benefits for CollegeEmployees”, 8-9 June 2021, from Women’s College, Calcutta, West Bengal

Linguistic Skills: Bengali, English, Arabic, Urdu and Hindi (Speaking, Reading and Writing)Good Verbal and Communication skills on Bengali, English and Arabic.

Personality: Punctual, Optimistic and Self-Motivated Good Management and Mentoring Skills Confident and Determined Ability to Work in a Team and Individual Environment. Strong and Quick Acquiring of New Technologies
Excelling Communication Skills and Leadership Quality Ability to Cope Up with Different situation

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