Gour Mahavidyalaya

Uniform Leave Rules

Leave Rules

Every teacher, including the Principal, Librarian, Non-teaching employees of Gour Mahavidyalaya shall sign a daily attendance register maintained for the purpose and such daily attendance shall be countersigned by the Principal.
Leave of absence from duty cannot be claimed as of right and may, on application by a teacher Principal of a college be granted only when satisfactory grounds have been shown. when the exigencies of service or require, the authority competent to grant leave may refuse leave of any description or when any such leave is granted, may revoke such leave on part thereof.
No teacher who is under suspension shall be granted any leave. Absence without leave shall be rendered a teacher subject to such disciplinary action as may be decided by the Governing Body.
All applications for leave or for extension of leaves shall be made on writing and addressed to the Principal and sanction of the leave extension of the leave as the case may be applied for Such obtained before it is availed of.

Casual Leave

Casual leave on full pay may be allowed to a teacher of college up to a maximum of 14 days in a calendar year but not more than 5 days at a time casual leave maybe prefixed or surfix on Sunday and other holidays but not to vacations or any other kind of leave provided that the total period of absence from duty does not exceed 10 days at any one time all casual leave to which any teacher of a college maybe entitle during any Calendar year. Calculation to be done to him at the end of such calendar year and cannot be accumulated or taken over or brought forward to any other year.

Earned Leave

Every teacher of Gour Mahavidyalaya shall be entitled to lea ve on full pay (hereinafter referred to as earned leave) (a) during the first seven years of service, to the extent of 15 days for every twelve months of active service and (b) from the eight years of service onwards, to the extent of thirty days for every additional twelve months of active service.

Provided that in each such case, hen the total amount of earned leave due at any time amounts to 300 days in the case of a permanent teacher, he/she shall cease to earn any further earned leave. All earned leave taken by a teacher more than 14 days be granted/approved by the Governing Body of college.

Study Leave

Study leave of absence from duty with full pay for a period of 2 years may be granted to a teacher of a college by the governing body of the college for the purpose of enabling the teacher to acquire any qualification in the opinion of the governing body will enhance his efficiency as a teacher of the college and such leave because study leave.

Maternity Leave

Maternity leave may be granted to a female teacher for a period not exceeding 180 days from the date of its commencement maternity leave combined with any other kind of leaves may be granted only if such application is supported by the registered medical practitioners.

Paternity Leave

Paternity leave may be granted to a Male teacher for a period not exceeding 30 days from the date of its commencement Paternity leave combined with any other kind of leaves may be granted only if such application is supported by the registered medical practitioners.

Quarantine Leave

Quarantine leave of absence from duty maybe granted to a teacher of a college on full pay when he is ordered by the principal of a college not to attend his duty on account of presence of any infectious disease in his family or household such leave may on a certain signed by a registered medical practitioner big granted for a period not accident 21 days or in exceptional circumstances 30 days and maybe combine with any other kind of leave. MEDICAL LEAVE : All whole time teachers may be granted leave on half pay for 20 days for each completed year of service on medical ground on production of medical certificate.

Compensatory Leave

Any teacher of a college who may be required in the interest of the college to work during vacation holidays shall be entitled to leave of absence from duty for an equal number of days for which he is so required to work during vacation holiday any leave granted under paragraph one shall be on full pay and shall we called compensatory leave.

Teachers of a college may be required from time to time to cooperate and assist in carrying out the functions relating to the educational responsibilities of the college.

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