Name: Dr. Somnath Halder
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Geography
Kaliachak College, Malda
Concept Note and Objective of the Seminar
Concerning the decreasing green cover and increasing concretisation of earth’s surface in association with alarming rate of pollution of air, water, and land we are now confronting heavily the extreme weather events (cyclone, drought, flood, heat wave etc.), desertification, degradation of land, depletion of drinking water and natural resources, extinction of endangered species and many more. All living creatures are being the sufferers in their own way. But the only culprit is none other than the human. We have already become environmental criminal. We have no option, otherwise restoring the environment for atonement. Let us discuss together, think, and try to understand the concerns deeply and modify our activities towards environment friendly and only then we shall be friendly with us. The objective of the seminar can be summarised as follows-
- To discussion about the importance of environment in geography
- To make the students aware of the relevance of environmental pollution and how to protect and control it.
- To generate discussion among the students about environmental protection policy and how to apply in local and regional level for sustain and improvement of environmental quality.
Outcome of the seminar
The seminar on Better Late than Never was a huge success as the students listened to the deliberation by Dr. Somnath Halder attentively and enthusiastically participated in the discussion after the talk. There were many students sitting on the floor and this speaks volume about their enthusiasm to understand Environmental protection law and how to apply in local and regional level. The students asked questions and through the interactions had a clear idea about environmental protection policy and environmental pollution and how to check it. The seminar, we can boldly say, achieved its stated objective of raising consciousness about environmental pollution, law and policy and how to apply in local and regional level for sustain and improvement of environmental quality.