Gour Mahavidyalaya

Dr Satyajit Paul

Name: Satyajit Paul
Area of Intrest/Specialzation: Geomorphology, Physical Geography, Climatology,Cartography, Disaster Management, Geoinformatics,Environmental management and sustainability, EnvironmentalMonitoring and Management, Fundamental and Spatial Statistics
Institutional Email: psatyajit@gourmaha.ac.in
Email: spaulofficial.geo@gmail.com
Designation:M.A, M.Phil || Assistant Professor
Address: B.S Road, Malda
Work Experience: Assistant Professor of Geography | 2017-present
Education: Secondary Education/Madhyamik (M.P) | 2007 Marks obtain: 75%
Higher Secondary Education (H.S) | 2009 Marks obtain: 78%
Undergraduate (UG) | 2012 Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Geography Marks obtain: 58.625%
Post Undergraduate (PG) | 2014Master of Arts (Hons) in Geography Marks obtain: 67.2%B.Ed | 2015 Marks obtain:70.36%
Diploma in Software Application (DSA) | 2013Marks obtain: 87% Grade: A
Research Experience:M.Phil | 2018 Marks obtain: 67.2%
PhD | 2024 Thesis Title: Exploring Hydrological Modification and its Effect on Wetland Habitat in Moribund Delta, India
Professional qualifications and affiliations:Ugc net|2015
Faculty induction/orientation/refresher programme:
1.UGC Sponsored Orientation Programme/Faculty Induction Programme

UGC-HRDC Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) (12.01.2021 to 16.02.2021)
UGC-HRDC Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) (12.01.2021 to 16.02.021)
2.UGC Sponsored Refresher CourseUGC
HRDC UNIVERSITY OF CALCUTTA (10.01.2022 to 24.01.2022)
3.Faculty Induction Programme
E-Content and ICT Tools in Innovative and Effective Teaching and Learning Process
Article published in national/international journal/edited book:
1.Paul, S., & Pal, S. (2020). Exploring wetland transformations in moribund deltaic parts of India. GeocartoInternational, 35(16), 1873-1894.
2.Pal, S., Paul, S., & Debanshi, S. (2022). Identifying sensitivity of factor cluster based gully erosionsusceptibility models. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(60), 90964-90983.
3.Pal, S., & Paul, S. (2020). Assessing wetland habitat vulnerability in moribund Ganges delta usingbivariate models and machine learning algorithms. Ecological Indicators, 119, 106866.
4.Pal, S., & Paul, S. (2021). Stability consistency and trend mapping of seasonally inundated wetlands inMoribund deltaic part of India. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 23, 12925-12953.
5.Pal, S., & Paul, S. (2021). Linking hydrological security and landscape insecurity in the moribund deltaicwetland of India using tree-based hybrid ensemble method in python. Ecological Informatics, 65,101422.
6.Paul, S., & Pal, S. (2022). Modelling hydrological strength and alteration in moribund deltaic India.Journal of Environmental Management, 319, 115679.
7.Pal, S., Paul, S., & Debanshi, S. (2022). Identifying sensitivity of factor cluster based gully erosionsusceptibility models. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(60), 90964-90983.
8.Pal, S., Debanshi, S., & Paul, S. (2022). Point and pixel inclusive machine learning models for exploringgully erosion susceptibility. Geocarto International, 37(27), 16188-16211.
9.Pal, S., & Paul, S. (2022). Hybrid Tree-Based Wetland Vulnerability Modelling. In Challenges of Disastersin Asia: Vulnerability, Adaptation and Resilience (pp. 163-185). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
10.Paul, S., & Pal, S. (2024). Mapping wetland habitat health in moribund deltaic India using machinelearning and deep learning algorithms. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology.
11.Paul, S., & Pal, S. (2024). Impact of wetland health and provisioning services on the livelihood of thefishing community. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 31(39), 52410-52427.
Papers presented in national and international seminars/conferences:
Paper presented on “Predicting Wetland Area and Water Depth of Ganges Moribund Delta of India”
presented in International Seminar on Recent Advances in Environmental Research organised by
University of Gour Banga, India
Paper presented on “Predicting Wetland Area and Water Depth of Ganges Moribund Delta of India”
presented in International Seminar on Recent Advances in Environmental Research organised by
University of Gour Banga, India
1.Paper presented on “Estimating wetland habitat vulnerability in moribund Ganges delta using machinelearning algorithms” presented in International Seminar on Challenges of Disaster: Vulnerability,
Adaptation and Resilience organised by Faculty of Natural Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India
2.Paper presented on “Exploring Wetland Transformation in The Moribund Deltaic India” presented inInternational Seminar on Global Issues in Multidisciplinary Academic Research organised by RajabhatMaha Sarakham University, Thailand
3.Paper presented on “Monitoring and Analysing wetland alteration in Moribund Deltaic India” presented inInternational Seminar on Understanding Environment in the Context of Contemporary Society organisedby Department of Education University of Gour Banga, India
4.Successfully participated in the online Workshop on “Learning of QGIS” Organised by Department ofGeography, Malda College in Collaboration with IQAC, Malda College on 28th -29th September, 2020.
5.Organised International Webinar on “Researching in Geography and allied disciplines: Pre and PostCovid-19 pandemic Situation”, as Organising Secretary, organized by Department of Geography, Gour
Mahavidyalaya on October 3 2020.
6.Actively participated in One-Day Online Workshop on “Quantitative Techniques in Geography” held on24th April, 2022 organised by Department of Geography, University of Gour Banga

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