Gour Mahavidyalaya

1 Day Programme Of International Film Festival

Event Description

Film is an important part of communication which expresses every phase of life. So to have a better understanding of the society and how it works, and the technique used to make it, the department organize film fest for the students.


Mass Communication and Journalism is a highly professional field, and for that students need to be a skilled communicator. As this subject has various branches like reporting, film making, editing, anchoring, public relations , research, folk culture, photography so the students need to be qualified in every aspect. For this to enhance their knowledge various programmers have been organized by the department.

As film study is a part of the syllabus so, for better understanding of the film its background second one day film festival had been organized by the department of mass communication and journalism on 30.11.22 with information & cultural department Malda. The objective is to enhance the knowledge of the students regarding film and its creativity.


The outcome of the festival was positive as the students are always interested in creativity as they also have film making as their syllabus. They understood various aspects of film how it is related to the society for better perspective of the society as well.


Sir Dr.Ashim Kumar Sarkar,
Sri Somnath Paul,
Dr Shakti Patra,
Sri Shubhodeep Banerjee
Dr.Arun Pramanik guest

college campus room 208

Organised by
Department Of Mass Communication & Journalism,
Gour Mahavidyalaya, Malda

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