Gour Mahavidyalaya

🚀 Students Attention: Students must log in with Student ID (like B.A/24/0064 and his/her Date of Birth (like 03/06/2003). | After logging in, the student needs to click on ABC Allocation and provide his/her Aadhaar Number and ABC Number. Click on Save. Click Here
Gour Mahavidyalaya is going to start Uniform Student Health Insurance for all the admitted students in collaboration with Niva Bupa Health Insurance Company Limited from the session 2024-25. || “The old website of Gour Mahavidyalaya has been changed to the new website”, Old Website URL: www.gourmaha.org

About Gour Mahavidyalaya

Gour Mahavidyalaya, situated on the north side of Mahananda River where N.H.34 passes through Mangalbari, Old Malda, started its journey in 5th day of September 1985 to cater to the needs of the people, mainly of the district, as well as, those of this locality. In the field of higher education. Gour Mahavidyalaya, a premier institution for higher education of the Old Malda reserve constituency, has been trying continuing to free people from ignorance, superstition, bad habits and many wrong ideas on the one hand and provides the people of this locality with some skills.

Dr. A.K. Sarkar


I find immense pleasure in bringing out the report of our college after accreditation by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council securing B Grade in the year 2006.The assessment by NAAC is a wonderful memory to the teaching, non-teaching, librarian, students, alumni and members of the Governing Body on the one hand and on the other hand it opened our eyes for taking necessary steps for upgrading more qualitative improvement of the college as a whole.


Gour Mahavidyalaya, situated on the north side of Mahananda River where N.H.34 passes through Mangalbari, Old Malda, started its journey in 5th day of September 1985 to cater to the needs of the people, mainly of the district, as well as, those of this locality. In the field of higher education.

Student Achievements

Gour Mahavidyalaya, situated on the north side of Mahananda River where N.H.34 passes through Mangalbari, Old Malda, started its journey in 5th day of September 1985 to cater to the needs of the people, mainly of the district, as well as, those of this locality.

Our Courses









Physical Education

Political Science

Mass Com. & Journalism


Computer Science

Food & Nutrition





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Years Exp.

What We Provide

ICT Classroom

Conference Room

Wifi Campus

Computer Lab

Career Councelling

Study Tour


Our Best Features

Gour Mahavidyalaya, situated on the north side of Mahananda River where N.H.34 passes through Mangalbari, Old Malda, started its journey in 5th day of September 1985 to cater to the needs of the people, mainly of the district, as well as, those of this locality. In the field of higher education.


Gour Mahavidyalaya, situated on the north side of Mahananda River where N.H.34 passes through Mangalbari, Old Malda

Gour Mahavidyalaya Signed a Memorandum with District Library

Gour Mahavidyalaya Signed a Memorandum with Natyasena

Memorandum with Sister Nivedita university

Memorandum with Swapnil Majumdar Memorial Foundation

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