Physics Department
B.Sc. Courses
Department of Physics
Year of Establishment: 2008
About The department
Advanced and slow learners are provided and motivated to strive for higher goals. They are provided with additional inputs for better career planning and growth like:
- Offering special coaching for entrance exams.
- Motivating them to involve in project works to inculcate practical awareness
- Advising to participate in group discussions, quizzes to develop analytical and problem solving abilities in them and thereby, to improve their presentation skills.
Department Notice
6_3_4_Additional Document
3_1_3_Webinar five
Student Pass Percentage
NAAC Certificate
4_1_2 Cultural Activities
6_3_1: Teacher Welfare
Participative Management
Planning deployment
6_3_5:Self Appraisal
Student Members
6_4_3 Funds Mobilization SSR
Slow/advanced Learner Report 2021
Notice for admission in Semester-1 Hons(in physics)
Notice Students, who are getting admitted for Semster-1(2021-2022) in the Department of Physics(Gour Mahavidyalaya), , are requested to fillup the following google form are also requested to get themselves enlisted in the following WhatsApp group. ,
Notice for Online Part-II examination for (1+1+1) System, 2021
Students are hereby notified that those who have enlisted themselves for part -II examination, 2021 (Both Honours and General), should get themselves inducted into the WhatsApp group by clicking the following link. schedule of the examination has been attached with this notice.Read paper-1A and Paper-1B as Paper-IVA and Paper-IVB.Also, , read paper-1A and Paper-1B as Paper-IVA and Paper-IVB.
Notice for Online Part-II examination for (1+1+1) System, 2021
Notice for Online Part-I examination for (1+1+1) System, 2021
Students are hereby notified that those who have enlisted themselves for part -I examination, 2021 (Both Honours and General), should get themselves inducted into the WhatsApp group by clicking the following link. schedule of the examination has been attached with this notice.
Notice for Online Part-I examination for (1+1+1) System, 2021
Student Seminar
A Seminar will be organized by Science Club on 20/05/2021. , Details are in the flyer
Student Seminar
2nd Year Practical Online class
2nd Year Practical Online class
Please join the google class room link and WhatsApp link for online practical class of 2nd year General. Subject Teacher: Mrs. Priyanka Chowdhury Please don’t contact teacher personally. Use the WhatsApp group-link , for that.
2nd Year Practical Online class
Notice for Practical Exam,2020
B.A./B.Sc. Part-III Hons/Gen internal assessment 2020Link for compulsory ENVS assignment for internal assessment 2020 ,Last date of submission: 24.07.2020 (5 pm)All the HoDs/Coordinators are requested to share this link to all Part-III students of their respective departments. Many students not attended this test till now.
Notice of Online Exam:3rd Year B.Sc Honours(Physics)
Students of 3rd Year B.Sc Honours are instructed to download the question for Paper-VII,VIII,IX and upload scanned copy of the answer in pdf format and they are also requested to upload a report on one of the Experiment that they you have performed with working formula and data in pdf format for Paper-X and Paper XI to the following web link, They should submit their responses on or before 20/07/2020.
Notice of Online Exam:3rd Year B.Sc Honours(Physics)
Notice for Online ENVS Exam
B.A./B.Sc. Part-III Hons/Gen internal assessment 2020Link for compulsory ENVS assignment for internal assessment 2020 ,Last data of submission: 18.7.2020 (5 pm)All the HoDs/Coordinators are requested to share this link to all Part-III students of their respective departments. ,
Notice of Online Exam:3rd Year B.Sc General(Physics)
Students of 3rd Year B.Sc General are instructed to download the question for Paper-VII and upload scanned copy of the answer in pdf format and they are also requested to upload a report on one of the Experiment that they you have performed with working formula and data in pdf format for Paper-VIII to the following web link. They should submit their responses on or before 20/07/2020.
Notice of Online Exam:3rd Year B.Sc General(Physics)
Exam Schedule for 1st Year Pass Exam Starting From 11/12/19
Exam Schedule for 1st Year Pass Exam Starting From 11/12/19 ,Paper-III
Exam Schedule for 1st Year Pass Exam Starting From 11/12/19
Exam Schedule for 2nd Year Pass Exam Starting From 11/12/19
Exam Schedule for 2nd Year Pass Exam Starting From 11/12/19
Exam Schedule for 2nd Year Pass Exam Starting From 11/12/19
e-Resources for Self Learning
Click on the URLs (web links) and start learningOR ,print out the document and scan the QR Codes with the help of QR Code reader in your smart phone. [You may download the QR code reader from Google Play store (on android phones) or from App store (on iPhone)]
e-Resources for Self Learning
Course Outcome
Mentorship Program Meeting on 2.8.19
Departmental Meeting 03/07/19
Class Routine for the academic year 2019-2020
Class Routine for Semester-I( General and Hons), Second year and Third Year (Hons&,Pass)
Class Routine for the academic year 2019-2020
- Helping them to prepare their work in seminars at the college and inter-college level.
- Providing opportunities to develop their creativity by participating and organizing intercollegiate as well as national level competitions.
- To conduct extra classes for the difficult subjects (based on the previous university results) in the curriculum.
- Special attention is given to the students in the tutorial classes, who are identified as slow learners.
- Slow learners are specially advised and counselled by a lecturer / mentor and the subject expert.
- Remedial classes are conducted for the weaker students based on the results of class tests.
Our Vision
The values
As we work to better our community, we make it a priority to uphold the following principles.
- Developing a sense of community through the
- Making an effort to achieve excellence in research and teaching that is based on performance
- A commitment to upholding the highest standards of professionalism and ethics
- The establishment of a setting that encourages both active learning and efficient communication
- We are committed to achieving the highest possible standards in every facet of our business.
In spite of the fact that our mission statement does a good job of conveying an idea of what our department does, it might be made more understandable to a wider audience by incorporating a description of the term “performance-based”: Students are required to put their newly acquired skills and information into practice during each and every class meeting as part of the performance-based teaching and learning approach. Through the use of active performance in physics, students are compelled to practise their newly acquired skills in a setting that allows them to engage with both their teachers and their classmates. This makes the learning process more effective. This kind of instruction improves upon the conventional, lecture-based method of instruction that students are exposed to when learning about physics. In a classroom that is based on performance, students study physics by continually engaging in physics activities.
Department Rules
- Follow Departmental Notice Board and Website for Routine, Exam Notices, and Attendance
- Always carry Lab Note Book for Lab Classes. No one will be allowed to enter Lab without a Lab Notebook in their possession
- Check the college website and office for registration and form fillup related issues.
- Offering special coaching for entrance exams.
- Motivating them to involve in project works to inculcate practical awareness
- Advising to participate in group discussions, quizzes to develop analytical and problem solving abilities in them and thereby, to improve their presentation skills.
- Helping them to prepare their work in seminars at the college and inter-college level.
- Providing opportunities to develop their creativity by participating and organizing intercollegiate as well as national level competitions.
- To conduct extra classes for the difficult subjects (based on the previous university results) in the curriculum.
- Special attention is given to the students in the tutorial classes, who are identified as slow learners.
- Slow learners are specially advised and counselled by a lecturer / mentor and the subject expert.
- Remedial classes are conducted for the weaker students based on the results of class tests.
Academic Plan
Additional Details
Lesson Plane
Dr. Anirban Ray
Head Of the Department
Welcome to the Department of Physics
Physics is crucial to understanding the world around us, the world inside us, and the world beyond us. It is the most basic and fundamental science and it encompasses the study of the universe from the largest galaxies to the smallest subatomic particles.
Programs Offered & Intake Capacity : 48
- CBCS Honours Syllabus
- CBCS General Syllabus
- Syllabus Distribution
- Non-CBCS Syllabus
- UGB-NEP-UG Syllabus For Physics
- Physics MDC: Physics for Everyone
- Physics MDC: Environmental Physics
- Physics MDC: Medical Physics
- Major Syllabus: Physics(2024-25)
- Minor Syllabus: Physics(2023-24)
- Minor Syllabus: Physics(2024-25)
Programme-Specific Outcome & Course Outcome
Department Faculties
M.Sc(JU), Ph.D(JU) || Assistant Professor
B.Sc(UGB), M.Sc(C.S.J.M.U) || State Aided College Teacher
B.Sc(UGB), M.Sc(UGB) || State Aided College Teacher
PhD(CU), MSc(PU) || Assistant Professor